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Voices of hope: The testimony of patients with breast cancer

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis is a life-changing experience. The initial emotions can be overwhelming, with feelings of fear, uncertainty, and anxiety. It's natural to feel this way; after all, it's news that no one expects to receive. However, it's crucial to remember that you're not alone in this journey.

Many women have gone through this and have found the strength and hope to face the challenge. Here we share the testimonies of some of our beneficiary patients.

The Importance of Prevention

Early detection of breast cancer can make a big difference in prognosis and treatment. That's why it's vital to know the warning signs and have regular check-ups.

Lump in the breast or armpit

According to the Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, “the most common symptom of breast cancer is a new lump or mass. A painless, hard lump with irregular edges is more likely to be cancer.”

However, there are other warning signs:

  • Breast skin changes: Redness, wrinkling, or thickening of the skin may indicate a problem.
  • Nipple discharge: Any unusual discharge, especially if it is bloody, should be evaluated by a health care professional.
  • Breast pain: Although breast pain does not always indicate cancer, any persistent or unusual pain should be checked by your doctor.

1 in 8 women will have breast cancer

According to the Secretaría de Salud, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime.

According to the 2022 National Health and Nutrition Survey (ENSANUT), it was estimated that 20.6 million women between the ages of 40 and 69 lived in Mexico. Of these women, 20.2% (4.2 million) had a mammogram in the last year. Of the total number of women who underwent the study, 85.6% (3.6 million) received the results of their exam, and 5.6% (19,900) received a positive diagnosis, thus confirming the presence of breast cancer.

Given these figures, it is vitally important that if you detect any signs and/or symptoms you immediately go to a doctor to assess your case. If you are a woman over 40 years of age, even in the absence of symptoms it is recommended that you have a mammogram annually to rule out any possible abnormality.

The power of your donation

At Fundación de Alba we have been working continuously for over 16 years to provide comprehensive support to people with cancer who are socially and economically vulnerable, so that they can access health services in México..

All of this is possible thanks to your donations. If you want to join the cause, don't forget to visit our website to learn about all the alternatives we have so that you can help us.

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Cancer blog, cancer information CDMX, health news, cancer prevention tips, patient stories, medical updates, cancer articles, Fundación de Alba blog, cancer education CDMX, oncology news, expert interviews, health and wellness blog, cancer research, patient resources, cancer support blog.

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