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Need Help?

Being diagnosed with cancer can be an overwhelming and uncertain experience. At Fundación de Alba, we're here to provide you with the support and guidance you need every step of the way on your journey to recovery.

Follow this path to access our services and get the help you need:

Initial Contact

Send your request to the following email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To expedite your process, please be sure to answer the following questions in your email:
  • Name, age, and contact information (phone and email)
  • Place of residence
  • What is your cancer diagnosis?
  • How long ago were you diagnosed?
  • Do you have health coverage (IMSS, ISSSTE, etc.)?
  • Which hospital is handling your treatment?

  • What treatment has been prescribed or how is your follow-up being conducted?

  • How can we assist you?

Prepare Your Documents

On the day of your interview, don't forget to bring copies of the following documents, when we review your email, we will assess whether you are eligible for any of our programs; if so, we will contact you to schedule an initial interview:
  • Government-issued ID (INE)
  • CURP (Unique Population Registry Code)
  • Proof of residence (dated within the last 3 months)
  • Medical summary or diagnosis sheet
  • Medical card (both sides)
  • Prescription indicating necessary medication or supplements

Beneficiary Profile

Fundación de Alba supports individuals with any type of cancer, aged 2 to 85, who have limited economic, social, and/or educational resources. We assist those from various states across the country, without social security, and facing treatment plans that result in catastrophic expenses. If you or a family member or friend fits any of these criteria, please contact us for assistance.

Beneficiary Profile
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