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Educational Offerings

Cancer is the third leading cause of death in Mexico. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for improving survival rates. However, many cancer cases are diagnosed at advanced stages, limiting treatment options and reducing the chances of a cure.

To tackle this complex issue, we offer free courses to primary care physicians on common types of cancer through the MEDU educational platform.

Breast Cancer

Uncover the Secrets of Early Breast Cancer Detection! Join our course with Dr. Alexandra Garcilazo and delve beyond mammography: from innovative diagnostic tools to the latest trends in treatment.

Cervical Cancer

Did you know that cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women worldwide? Join us in this course with Dr. Milagros Pérez Quintanilla to learn everything about cervical cancer, from HPV infection to prevention, diagnosis, and timely treatment.

Lung Cancer

As lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide, it's crucial to understand all its details. Join us in this course, created in partnership with the organizations Respirando con Valor and Fundación Salvati, as part of the United Front Against Lung Cancer initiative. You'll gain comprehensive knowledge about lung cancer, from its epidemiology to treatment and prognosis.

Myths and Realities of Immunization

In the age of information, misinformation spreads just as quickly. When it comes to vaccines, myths and false ideas can have serious consequences for both individual and public health. That's why we've created this series of informative capsules to debunk the most common vaccine myths and provide reliable information based on scientific evidence.
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